Use of Platelet Rich Plasma for the treatment of lower limb ulcers. Pilot study
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platelet rich plasma; growth factors, leg ulcer; diabetic foot ulcer; wound healing.

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De la Torre Barbero MJ, Estepa Luna MJ, Rubio Moreno J. Use of Platelet Rich Plasma for the treatment of lower limb ulcers. Pilot study. Rev. enferm. vasc. [Internet]. 2020Jul.15 [cited 2024May14];3(6):15- 21. Available from:


There is increasing evidence to suggest that wound healing in chronic vascular and diabetic foot ulcers is dependent on growth factor and that the therapeutic delivery of these growth factors to topical wounds has the potential ability to accelerate healing. of wounds together with conventional wound care

A prospective quasi-experimental study has been designed and planned with the objective of evaluating the safety and efficacy of platelet-rich autologous plasma gel for the treatment of vascular ulcers of the lower limbs and diabetic foot with delayed healing. Through this pilot study, the viability of said study and the suitability of the action protocol, the variables collected and the measuring instrument have been assessed.

This pilot study was carried out between September 2018 and March 2020 at the Vascular Surgery Service of the Reina Sofía University Hospital in Córdoba. Participated patients with vascular or diabetic foot ulcers who had delayed healing process and to whom PRP was applied

Four patients with a mean age of 62.25 years participated in the pilot study. 100% were men with diabetic foot injuries. 50% had associated peripheral artery disease, with a mean healing delay of 17 months with an interval of 12-20. The mean healing time of the ulcers was 7.6 weeks. In no case were any adverse effects related to the application of PRP detected.

Based on these preliminary results, the application of PRP to the bed of non-healing vascular and diabetic foot wounds is a safe and effective therapeutic option.
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